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作者:佚名  文章来源:网络  点击数  更新时间:2007/1/11 22:46:40  文章录入:随风飘荡  责任编辑:admin

点鼓 又称怀鼓类型:打击乐器民族:汉族收藏年代:1958年乐器说明:固定双面框架。鼓身扁圆,鼓框用硬木制作。中间微高,边缘渐低,两面蒙以牛皮,用密排鼓钉绷紧。腔径19.5厘米,高6.4厘米。演奏方法:将鼓的一边直立於右膝上,鼓的一面向前,右手腕部压住鼓的上方边缘,使之固定同时用右手执鼓棰敲击。功能:用於十番鼓器乐合奏或昆曲清唱伴奏。Huaigu(Lap drum)Found among the Han peopleDouble—faced frame drum with leather drum faceP1ayed by vertically resting it on the right knee,slanting slightly forward held in place with one’s right wrist,and played with a beater with the right handD:19.5 cm,H:6.4cmUsed in the Shifangu ensemble music of Jiangsu province and as accompaniment to Kunqu singing
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